Home CV Teaching Projects Publications

Full Courses

Computing and Society

In Fall 2024, I am a Teaching Assistant for the undergraduate course Computing and Society which counts towards the "ethics requirement" for computer science students. I run two 2-hour discussion sections and grade assignments for students in my sections.

Technology and Sustainable Community Development

In Summer 2023, I worked as a Program Assistant / Teaching Assistant for the undergraduate course Technology and Sustainable Community Development during the summer study abroad program in Bacelona, Spain. I graded essays and projects and provided both academic and social support for students in the study abroad program. This course also counts for the "ethics requirement" for computer science students.

Girls Who Code

In Summers 2021 and 2022, I worked as the lead instructor for virtual Girls Who Code classrooms, teaching 30 (2021) or 60 (2022) students each over 3 sessions. We covered introductory HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Girls Who Code practices culturally responsive teaching practices and focuses on building classroom culture.

Introduction to UI Design

In Fall 2021, I TA'd for the undergraduate course Introduction to UI Design. I graded papers and projects, created content, and taught a recitation of approximately 30 students.

Guest Lectures

Technology and Sutainable Community Development

Summer 2023: I conducted a guest lecture using Dr. Casey Fiesler's Black Mirror Writer's Room exercise.

Qualatative Methods

Spring 2022: I conducted a guest lecture on user personas.